About Us
In today’s world a unique expression doesn’t stay bound with the words, thoughts and beliefs. It evolves into a larger frame of one’s identity known as one’s persona. Who are you? What are your dreams? Your entire resume is reflected by your appearance. That’s why we at Donnzel give “Expression to your appearance”!
Donnzel provides a large variety of accouterment options which, reflects your inner self through the outer charm of grace and extravaganza. Donnzel provides a large array of clothing options and exclusive designer fabrics and outfits from Linen to Cotton, Silk, T-R Fabric and much more.
What inspires Donnzel to soar new height is the keen vision and consistency of its parent company Salasar Dye Chem, A company which has acquired trust of over millions of peoples since it’s inception in 1991, which has been doing an essential job of providing beautiful and eye luring colours to the fabrics around the world, with a promise of consistent betterment provided by their hard working RnD staff. We proudly welcome you to the Donnzel family where adding into your persona through our expressive designer clothing is our only goal!
Tagline :
Give expression to your appearance!